it was about convenience.

2005-06-18 4:25 p.m.

from here, i'm pins and needles, i'm product placement, a show, stop by a party. from here, i'm faking (forcing) my affection. from here, i'm dedicating myself to becoming lonely.

from here, i'm a few pages of bad poetry, a heart attack lady in waiting, i'm obvious and unaccustomed, i'm at the floor on the very mention

of his name, a shot right through me.


we take the hours from the night, he and i, to mention that there is some gap in recovery, some difference lurking between want and need, some incongruity in actions

and he
was angry that night when i was reluctant

lord, save me.


lord, save me, please. (despite my disbelief.)


what's left between us is the fact that we are running, pounding our feet in order to get out of our surroundings, in love with the disaster of long love being over.

so, ask me about my doubts, now, as to whether love is lasting. ask me how i'm living (weakly). ask me why i want him. force some answer from me.


between us, we're drunk every night or thinking (about it), we're cover up and misconception, we're names dropped and elaborated upon, until there are legends hung down between the syllables


we take the hours from the night, he and i, to mention that there is some gap in recovery, some difference lurking between want and need, some incongruity in actions

and, as always, there's his phone to ring. there's the answer to show that other people have come to preceed me, and i am so selfish to be hurting, the women with their fears run out before them

have taken the shortest paths into his heartfelt company


so, lay me down to sleep, and if you think about it

lord, save me

save me, please.

(despite my disbelief.)

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