home, again.

2006-05-30 10:09 a.m.

show me mercy, summer, i am
embarrassed to have become
so fixated on the seasons, so
pent up in holy motion,
in circles and their execution,

and i cycle
and i relay.

these hands, my posessions
irregularly guard me, grow
envious of one another, and fall in pursuit
unacknowledging their sinfulness,
unaccepting that repentance that sought
to wash them clean, a moment

of disrepair, unweildy and enlightening,
and i will be on my way.

streetcorners, homes
building themselves up in boxes, asking me
(fortunately now, imagined)
to come over and take my leave of all this living, and the paths that i have chosen
all beg the same question

beg me give yourself completely
beg me comfort
promise me fatigue

until my legs, half worn and ragged
wearing the late weekend
give up their knees and buckle
soft and sweet

made to be forgiven
in that final homecoming.

rewind | fast forward