pursuit and pursuant (pursuer and pursuit)

2004-07-08 8:34 p.m.

consecration, you know me to the synapse, the way i hold back, crying peace or absolution for doubts placed, the careful momentum i take

my ruin, a scientific inquiry, the outside appeal belittling, the seven out of seven massacre forgotten, the holy numbers meet in stark reunion

solar plexus, this is your description, and i write cement love songs for the city, tracing childish buildings over ribs, protrude, remind of structure, no need for the softness that makes women, i want knives in all my angles, i want to physically remind you that i am danger

a potential build, a relapse of expression, the heart asunder makes light both ways, quandrants of blood shortage, flow, strategic, careful body planning, without structure

when we let go we can breath. the oxygen control- hippocampus conversations run lengths of veins, run the unthinkable things, and we are power (less), we can only hold our proud heads (so high) in the face of this - glorious, the body does its bidding, and we are unacknowledged, carried by it into being.

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